Problem descriptions should be sent to or to any member of the Editorial Board (links to mail-addresses: Ryu Hasegawa , Luca Paolini , Pawel Urzyczyn ) with subject “TLCA List of Open Problems”.
The list is maintained as a web page, and also available as a (LATEX-based) PDF file. Therefore, it is important that the submitted source material is provided in LATEX, and it can be easily transformed into a html file (e.g. that it is typeset in basic LATEX, with as few special symbols as possible). All references should be provided as BibTEX entries.
We would greatly appreciate, if submissions are done by sending us two files respecting the following constraints.
This field is optional. Insert here information around: - who posed first the problem - name-problem origin - related problems and conjectures - further historical remarks ]{ YourFirstNAME YourLastNAME \INDEX{YourLastNAME, YourFirstNAME} } {PROBLEM BIRTH-DATE} {STATEMENT SUMMARIZING THE OPEN PROBLEM} |
Here is a real example with origin remarks.
The problem was posed by \HREF{\string ~henk/} {Henk Barendregt} \INDEX{Barendregt, Henk}, \HREF{\string ~herman/} {Herman Geuvers} \INDEX{Geuvers, Herman} and \HREF{\string ~jwk/} {Jan Willem Klop} \INDEX{Klop, Jan Willem}. ]{ \HREF{\string ~rambo/} {Morten Heine S{\o}rensen} \INDEX{S{\o}rensen, Morten Heine} }{1993} {Is every weakly normalizing PTS also strongly normalizing?} |
Homepage can be added as follows,
\HREF{\string ~paolini/}
{Luca Paolini HomePage}. |
.... \INDEX{keyword_n}. |
Please add keywords of your problem by using this feature.
Please, use special symbols only in math-mode. For instance, if you need a
section-symbol like then write $\S$ instead of \S . To insert a tilde in the
scope of \HREF, use “\string
A brief BibTEX introduction can be found here: