Submitted by Richard Statman
Date: 1993
Statement. Word problem for combinators of orders less than 3.
The word problem for a set of combinators is to determine if two applicative
combinations of members of
-equal. A proper combinator
, with
reduction rule
, where
is an applicative combination of
is said to have order
. We ask if the word problem for all proper
combinators of orders less than 3 is decidable. The problem was originally
proposed in [Statman, 1989].
Comments by Richard Statman: It is easy to see that the word problem for combinators of order 1 is decidable. More can be shown [Statman, 1988a]. In [Statman, 1989] it is shown that the word problem for Smullyan’s Lark combinator is solvable even though fixed points always exist. In [Statman, 2000] we prove that the word problem for all co-compositors and finitely many instances of (finitely many) compositors is solvable. We have been led to the conjecture: The word problem for all proper combinators of order less than 3 (taken together in one system) is decidable. Some combinator of order 3 or more is necessary for a basis of proper combinators [Statman, 1986] but slightly beyond order 2 [Statman, 1988b] leads to undecidabilty.
Added “in proof”: This problem also occurs in the RTA LOOP as problem number 96.
[Statman, 1986] Statman, R. (1986). On translating lambda terms into combinators. In Logic in Computer Science, pages 378–382. IEEE Computer Society Press.
[Statman, 1988a] Statman, R. (1988a). Combinators hereditarily of order one. Technical Report 88-32, Department of Mathematics, Carnegie Mellon University.
[Statman, 1988b] Statman, R. (1988b). Combinators hereditarily of order two. Technical Report 88-33, Department of Mathematics, Carnegie Mellon University.
[Statman, 1989] Statman, R. (1989). The word problem for Smullyan’s Lark combinator is decidable. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 7(2):103–112.
[Statman, 2000] Statman, R. (2000). On the word problem for combinators. In Rewriting Techniques and Applications, volume 1833 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 203–213. Springer-Verlag.